Sunday, March 15, 2009

Insanity's Song

On days when I repeatedly tell my sons to put their shoes on, it’s time to go, and they give me the “make me” look, I listen to “My Name Is Jonas” from Weezer’s Blue album. The song is about a guy who’s losing it, probably from taking too many drugs. While I can’t relate to the cause of his dilemma, I sure can emphasize.

Here is my favorite verse from the song:

My name is Wepeel
I gotta box full of your toys
They're fresh out of batteries
But they're still makin' noise (makin' noise)

Battery-free toys still making noise—to me, that aptly describes a rattled mind. Plus, my sons actually have a few battery-operated toys that make noise even when I think they are turned off. Scary.

Click here for more Musical Monday.


jori-o said...

I love me some Weezer! They have some great crazy but rockin' good songs!

Anonymous said...

Great song. I love Weezer!

Jo :0)

Maude Lynn said...

We have some toys like that around here, too!

Anonymous said...

Baby girl's singing potty sometimes so be to itself at 3 am. It's a tad disturbing.

Jannie Funster said...

Hello again!

I know Weezer is enormously popular, (I think even an Austin band?) but I have none of their music. However, life is young and so am I to hear all the songs I've been missing. Plus, life in one on-going song, the music never ends

Do you know Mia's blog? She has an austisic son of 6 or 7(plus 2 toddlers.) She is a lovely person and writer.

Mimi said...

Sounds perfect for those "losin' your mommy mind" days!

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

I got an itch to search your blog using the word Weezer.....guess how many I came up with?



Deb said...

don't know the song, but i certainly can relate!

MaryAnn Ashley said...

Relating... I wonder if there will ever be a day when I'm not picking up someone else's crap. Just one day to rest.

Michelle O'Neil said...

Music is always good medicine.

Kristy said...

Oh yes, THAT is a great song. Weezer is excellent therapy for I'm-about-to-go-insane-get-me-out-of-here days. :)

bernthis said...

I remember once setting off one of P's toys when she was finally sleeping. I almost threw out the window just to get it to stop.