Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rocky Mountain High

During our visit last weekned to Golden Gate Canyon State Park, we pulled off the road to snap some photos of these majestic mountains.

Click here for more sky photos.


the mama bird diaries said...

So lovely.

betty said...

beautiful! absolutely gorgeous!


EG CameraGirl said...

Rugged, snow-capped beauties here! They have a way of making me daydream of peace, quiet, beauty... Awesome.

My entry:

Dianne said...

the dark, then the mountains, then the bright puffy clouds - what an incredible scene
well done!!

jabblog said...

Beautiful shot and stunning when enlarged.

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Oooh, pretty :D

Maude Lynn said...


Anna said...

I love mountains! Those clouds hanging over them are amazing.

Unknown said...

Very cool shot. that's the one thing that hte great City of Chicago does NOT have and really needs - nearby mountains.