Monday, September 14, 2009

I Should Have Known

Driving back from my parents’ house last weekend, Ethan uttered, “I hate long car rides.”
This statement was no surprise to me. Ethan, whom only stops moving long enough to watch a 30-minute episode of Transformers Animated, complains routinely about being strapped down in a car for more than 31 minutes. Sure enough, 10 minutes later, Ethan stated, “Man, I hate long car rides.”
I didn’t respond, hoping that by not saying anything, Ethan would drop the topic.
A few minutes later, Ethan asked, “Mommy, do you know what?”
“What?” I said.
“I really hate long car rides.”


I’ve received this award from Tanya of Teen Autism for being a creative blogger. Tanya's writings about raising a kid on the spectrum are filled with such honesty, integrity and hope that I can’t help but feel inspired even on my most challenging autism days. Thanks, Tanya, so much for the bloggy love.


Unknown said...

My kids always slept through long car rides. So they never got to the point of stating they hated long car rides.

betty said...

congrats on the award; too cute with Ethan; I'm sure you are thinking the same thing "I hate long car rides". it is hard to stay belted in for long periods of time if you enjoy being active

have a great Tuesday


jabblog said...

Love it! It's an alternative to 'Are we there yet?'
Congratulations on your award :-)

hokgardner said...

Maybe it's a boy thing. Campbell hates being trapped in the car, too.

TALON said...

lol! Kids never give up. It's something that both amazes and annoys me at the same time. His tenacity will stand him in good stead as he grows up. I imagine for some children being unable to move about is a sort of torture. I wonder how they survive school?

Congrats on your award, Cathy! Well deserved!

Lynn said...

When she was a baby, my niece Amanda using to scream at the top of her lungs during car rides. We tried everything, but it turned out that she really just didn't like long car rides either. Still doesn't. This took me back. :)

Congrats on your award!

Cookie said...

Congrats on the award!
Ya know what... I really hate long car rides too! ;)

Kathleen said...

Kids are so fantastic for being honest, it's one of the qualities i love about them! alough sometimes it does back fire.

Love reading your blog, congrats on the award.

EG CameraGirl said...

Ha! Ethan sounds very normal. ;-)

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

You're so welcome, Cathy, and thank you for your kind words.

Destiny's child... said...

You fully deserve that award Cathy! :)
Ethan's statement was really cute. Finally, did you address the issue or did you still hope for it to be dropped? ;)

Janice said...

DB loves Transformers animatd too. You know Season 1 is out on DVD, right? That and an inexpensive portable player could = longer rides in your future...